Education commission reinstates teacher with a porn past

ORLANDO, Fla. – An education commission in Orlando has ruled that a South Florida educator can continue to teach, despite his past as an adult film star.

Miami-Dade teacher Shawn Loftis had 10 minutes to make his case to the Florida Education Practices Commision at a Hampton Inn in Orlando.  This all after his dismissal from substitute teaching at Nautilus Middle School in Miami, where administrators fired him for his porn past. Florida has what is called a “moral turpitude” rule for educator, which allows school officials to

fire teachers discovered to be participating in immoral activities. Thankfully, the Orlando Education Commission does not see porn as immoral and reinstated Loftis’ to teach.

Loftis told the L.A. Weekly

“There’s no debating whether you were convicted of using drugs or stole something. But there is debate on whether my past was illegal. It was not. Porn is not illegal.”

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  1. That video was HILARIOUS, but in defense of us one-track-minded males on this site, I think there shulod also be a video de-bunking the myths about us that are perpetuated by female-based institutions like romance novels and Cosmopolitan magazine!!!For instance, I’ve known a lot of guys in my life, but as far as I know, to date not ONE of them has ever ridden up to a housekeepers daughter on the beach on his wild white stallion that he tamed myself, bearing a candelabra and champagne bucket, wearing a torn chamois shirt that reveals his tawny glistening pectorals in the moonlight, dismounting to sweep her off her feet and roll around in the tide in quivering ecstasy.Same goes for being able to (much less enjoy) ballroom dance. Dancing is not something we guys do for fun. We just do it to get laid. Well, I guess if you think about it, getting laid is fun, so yeah I guess we do dance for fun just not directly.I also absolutely don’t believe a woman has to keep a list next to her bed of 75 crazy hot sex moves or come up with 77 different positions to try in 77 days in order to keep me happy. (you can have me at just 3 or 4). BTW, if you think I’m joking here, check out this month’s Cosmo I SWEAR I didn’t make that up!But take note here, and please DO realize that a woman MUST have 85 different shades of nail polish and 25 different kinds of soap and 20 different shampoos and and 95 gallons of lotions and creams in her bathroom (and over 100 pairs of shoes in her closet) or else we men just won’t find her the least bit attractive.(Pssst Guys stock tip: invest in Revlon this week)

  2. This just goes to show everyone that once people really sit down and think about something without an already pre-conceived mindset, they are able to make the right decision. In this situation, Shawn did absolutely nothing wrong, nothing illegal, and certainly nothing that ever threatened the safety of the students. All he needed was ten minutes to let the board know that just because he participated in porn when he was younger, that doesn’t mean he’s an immoral person. Let’s be thankful that the board was able to put their beliefs aside and make a logical and correct decision.

  3. Congratulations Shawn. It must have been a really difficult time of you, getting fired, losing your income, then taking on the establishment. The great , positive news is YOU WON !! So well done and total resect for doing it in the measly 10 minutes or so they allowed you, to defend yourself, how democratic is that? . Shame on the Florida State for putting you through that. II hope you can sue the arse of them. Total respect bud . Joe in the UK

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