Paul’s Men Vol. 11 Available Now ONLY At TreasureIslandMedia.com
Always with straight men there’s a balance between power and desire.
Always, this is more serious than it is for gay men.
Straight men can know that they are beautiful and desirable, but first they require that you acknowledge their strength, their power.
Alexander is a man of immense physical and psychological strength. If I were to choose a single word to describe him it would be ‘formidable’. – Paul Morris
He’s a world-traveler, hopes to become a journalist.
He’s extremely intelligent, 25, and has just moved to San Francisco to reinvent himself.
“You have so much freedom here. You can be anyone you want.”
For money he walks dogs, a fact that endeared him to me even more.
As I snapped shots of him I asked whether he liked poetry. “Good poetry,” he said, so we talked about poetry for a while. – Paul Morris
Also check out the full collection of Paul’s Men, available exclusively from Treasure Island Media.
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