By Rowan Oneill.
The TIM-sponsored FILTH Party at the legendary SF Eagle celebrated its second anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 5!
The incredibly popular club party started in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic two years ago. Club promoter and manager Randy Maupin (of Cat Club fame) created the monthly event, which was inspired by Divine’s disco album “Filth!”
Each month, the Eagle turns into a retro late-20th Century dirty bar scene right out of your favorite vintage porn. The party has contests and raffles, so you may win some TIMGEAR and PORN!

Gogo dancers a-plenty and “cigarette girls” round out the scene to bring you back to another sexy era.
Initially, the first few events were hanky code-themed (red hanky! Blue! Yellow!) but as the event gained velocity, they expanded the themes.
Jim & Jimmy, the parties DJs, fill the atmosphere with the hardest-hitting, deepest, darkest beats that will make your pulse race.

So when you are in San Francisco, check out the SF Eagle on the first Saturday of each month. Careful though! You might get lost in one of the many dark corners there….and who knows what might come of that?
Make sure you give a big smile to the FILTH doorman Richard!

Stay tuned to find out what TIM and FILTH have in store for in the next few months!