Bang Bang : Paul Morris’ Renegades – TEAM UPDATE

Hey TIM –

This is Ed, Team Manager of PAUL MORRIS’ RENEGADES, coming to you with a quick update on our 2012 season. This past weekend we participated in The Houston Tournament. Our division bracket was very competitive. So much so that the team that placed 3rd in the world series last year, placed 5th in the tourney. Your Renegades placed 9th (unofficially) maybe higher, since there was a four-way tie for 9th place and  a three-way tie for 5th. We are very proud to say we made a big statement in Houston and earned much respect from the other teams, for our big cocks and hungry bottoms. What can I say, we represent T.I.M. well.

In Austin we still have 4 more weeks of regular season play. Currently tied for 2nd place, we are doing everything we can to fight our way to number one. Cole (you might remember from this post) seems to think we can suck our way to the top, as he has literally blown every single umpire, in the Austin city limits. We are quickly growing the reputation as the team many want to play and “play” with.

Here is this weeks game schedule. In Austin and want to watch us play? Check out our Facebook Page for field information.

Date Start Time End Time Home Team Away Team Location
3/25/12 10:00 AM 10:55 AM Renegades Polar Bears Krieg Field #11
3/25/12 12:00 PM 12:55 PM Los Tigres Renegades Krieg Field #8

Look for another update from me next week.


ED, Team Manager

  1. What? Nobody took thier shirt off once? I’ve always considered softball to be a lesbian sport (not that there’s ANYTHING wrong with that), but damn boys, you may have made a new fan. Good luck and score for the team!

  2. Yeah, they say a picture’s worth a thaosund words, but when you try to submit 10 photos for your degree final dissertation they get all funny about it.

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