Paul’s Photos || Frivolous

The first impression is telling.  My first impression was that this was a boy, not a man and that his character was too completely based in his sexuality.  It wasn’t that I didn’t like him; there was too little of substance for me to make an opinion.

I asked Joey to bring in some gloves.  I don’t know why, but I had Pony “palpate” the boy’s torso.  “Like a doctor,” I kept saying.  No passion, no desire; purely examination.

I don’t know that the coyness was all his; it might have been equally mine.  But I had him cover himself as we shot what felt like medical illustrations.

After the medical shots, I tried to gain some purchase on his character, however elusive it might have been.  “The key,” I asked,”What’s it about?”  He responded “It’s the key to my boysfriend’s heart.”  And at that point I nearly walked out.


Maybe disinterest is a productive thing, but I’m not used to it.  Usually the snapshots I take are of men I can barely stand not to touch.  In this case, I was perfectly detached.  He was sculpture.

In my mind I’d already left the room.  I shaped his poses, asked for lights here and there, but I was really already gone.

I don’t mean to say that he wasn’t nice.  He was perfectly nice, very easy to be around.  But his soul seemed filled with helium, and I prefer the savage to the silly. – Paul Morris





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