Enough about me, let’s talk about three of my favorite things: sex, butts and good music We’re less than a week away from Jeffrey Sanker’s White Party and I am excited to report that this TIM Whore will be there! For those of you going, be sure to seek me out. I’ll be the one wearing high tops and jean cut offs. But seriously, find me. I love meeting people, I love grabbing new asses and I may just have some free porn to give away. For those not in attendance, be sure to look for my constant updates on Facebook and Twitter. It’s sure to be a whore-of-a good time and I would hate for anyone to miss out. I will be on a mission to snap as many ass photos and to share as many as possible, so check in and check often.
Speaking of asses, this morning I announced my search for ‘The World’s Best Ass’. Think that’s you? Submit a photo and enter my competition here. I am accepting photo submissions until 4.14.12, so be sure to get your image in before then. Fans can vote for their favorite ass up until 4.21.12. The winner will receive a 1 year TIMPass good for all three of our membership sites (TIMFuck, TIMSuck, TIMJack) and a TIM hoodie, customized with their name on it. There is some fine print, like making sure you use your own photo but you can read those details on the contest page. I can’t wait to see some asses!

Mitch Mason
Stay connect with Mitch Mason Facebook.com/MitchMasontTIM Twitter @MitchMasonxxx Tumblr /mitchmasontimP.S. I love stories and feedback from fellow TIM Whore’s and Ass-lovers. Email me anytime you feel like sharing. mitch@treasureislandmedia.com
Great piece! I wish I was with the crew!
Thanks for all the amazing work you’ve been doing with Treasure Island. Keep it up, Mitch!!
any chance of some mitch-on-matt action onscreen soon?
The Scorup House is our dorm / HQ. It was built in 1905ish by John Albert Scorup, known in local stories as the pferect model of the Mormon Cowboy. Scorup and his family are tied to the history and cattle wrangling tradition of Bluff, the Dugout Ranch, all of SE Utah. The house has been occupied for a long time and is locally also known as the Nielsen House, or where the crazy architects live.
I think next year Anton and I need to join you and Matt at the White Party and show those boys how we do it. >;)
Keep it clean?
Who’s the hot ass in the photo. He wins!