Paul’s Men Vol. 12 Available Now ONLY At TreasureIslandMedia.com
He’s 26, a surfer who lives down the coast in Santa Cruz. If he had the temperament to do so he could easily dominate anyone. But more than anyone I’ve shot in recent memory, he has the feel of a man who longs to be objectified, to be put to use.
He clearly longed to be needed, to be touched. With every pose I rested my hands on him, gently moved him. I finally asked him about his sexuality. “It’s complex,” he answered. He was right.Always with straight men there’s a balance between power and desire.
From the beginning he was completely at ease. He loved talking, loved telling stories about beautiful things he’d seen, wonderful experiences he’d had.
I asked him why on earth he’d shaven so completely. He said “I did it for you!” It turned out that I’d asked Pony to tell him that if he trimmed, I’d rather that he shave completely.
I told him that his smoothness made him seem more like a boy. He laughed a big, hearty laugh. “I had fun as a boy,” he said. “And I have more fun as a man.”
Also check out the full collection of Paul’s Men, available exclusively from Treasure Island Media.
This is a good one, two of my all time favorites. Especially Benny.