“Condomless sex on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), is considered a safer sex technique,” says Adam Zeboski, an HIV test counselor at the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. “The only 100 per cent effective strategy to avoid HIV and other STIs is to abstain from sex.”
While sex with condoms is low risk, so is PrEP sex, with or without condoms.
“Having condomless sex with someone who is HIV-positive and undetectable is low risk, or with or without PrEP,” explains Zeboski. “It’s important to talk to your HIV-positive partner about their viral loads.”
It’s just as important to understand that people who are HIV positive and who are undetectable are not infectious.
“It is virtually impossible for an undetectable HIV positive person to transmit the virus,” Zeboski adds. “Someone is more likely to be struck by lightning than become infected by someone who is undetectable. PrEP is an additional layer of protection that the HIV negative partner controls.”
PrEP is changing the way gay men thing about safe sex and how they can reduce their risk of HIV infection.
“Taking a pill everyday can help remind guys about the risk of HIV,: said Zeboski. “It keeps us connected to our health care
provider and gets us routinely tested for STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Sex doesn’t necessarily have to change. But it can definitely get better. While condoms can be used with PrEP, condomless sex on PrEP is also very safe when it comes to HIV.”
In the real world, condoms are unreliable. They can break, fall off, or aren’t used correctly, and sometimes, in the heat of the moment, aren’t used at all.
“PrEP is an incredibly effective HIV prevention tool,” explains Zeboski. “PrEP separates the act of sex from prevention. It’s easy to remember to take a pill every day. I have a reminder set at 9:00pm. That’s what I call ‘party time’.”
Taking PrEP is easy. The key is to take it once a day, at the same time, every single day.
“When starting, it takes up to seven day of daily Truvada for PrEP to reach high levels of HIV protection,” said Zeboski. “If a daily does is missed, the level of HIV protection may decrease. After a possible exposure, you must remain on Truvada for 28 consecutive days. So, seven days before, and 28 days after.”
Truvada, the brand name of PrEP is available by prescription from your doctor in the United States. Canada, a world leader in HIV/AIDS research is dramatically behind the use of PrEP. In Canada, Truvada is only available for people living with HIV, or for those who are at high risk through an off-label prescription, which is almost impossible to get.
I’ve always thought that sero-sorting was one of the most destructive acts gay men could do to each other (as if we don’t already have enough battles to fight). It’s also cruel. It’s 2014 and I understand risk factors. I have had sex (both protected and bare back) with Poz guys since the development of Viral Load testing. I get tested every 3 months and am negative. I started on Truvada 6 months ago after researching it. Is my sex life better? No, not necessarily, I’ve always been really sexually active. But adding PreP to my daily vitamin bag seemed the right thing to do for me personally. If others don’t agree, then don’t hit me up on Scruff or Grindr.
oh yeah i ALSO set my reminder every day too! i’m at 1030 pm ! GULP! Its odd to think that someting you do every day you could forget..but you can..
i believe tenofovir alone (brand name Viread) can also be used as prep. i am on it for hep b, although i dont think i’d ever take the chance and bb anyway.
It’s not FDA approved for use as PrEP only Truvada is. So getting insurance to cover anything other than Truvada for PrEP would be probably impossible since most insurers will only cover FDA approved medications.
i understand but the cdc reports (through a few studies) and if you just google it many other sources/studies report that tenofovir alone will also work. thats what i am on, i only pay 10$ a month. it doesnt really matter for me as i said i would never bb anyway. this good news i guess for those on tenofovir alone that might not be able to get their doc to prescribe truvada