Porn in the context of no context

Dick pic… dick pic… pork dinner pic. Fuck vid… suck vid… Trump op-ed.
Drag queen selfie… dick pic… another pork dinner pic.
Thus is the typical Twitter timeline for a mansex lover. Tidbits of smut peppered amongst the goings-on of the everyday news cycle and everyone else’s lives.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Before the Great Exodus of 2018-19, Tumblr was a great way to compartmentalize your favorite porn genres. You’d subscribe to one, be recommended more, and you’d be almost guaranteed to see nothing but the porn you wanted when you wanted. You could spend hours having a really good wank session to the guys of Tumblr.
Then the Content Police began shutting down accounts on grounds of inappropriate material, and “refugees” flocked to Twitter. I don’t know about you, but I don’t scour individuals’ Twitter timelines like I did Tumblr feeds — I just watch my feed go by and click on what looks interesting.
If you have 5 minutes left on your break and you want to crank one out in the men’s room before clocking back in, you might pull up Twitter and jerk it to the first halfway decent video or pic that comes across your timeline. But to get there you scroll past lots of stuff that might not float your boat at that particular moment.
Twitter is a source of porn in the same way a “Flash Briefing” on your Amazon Echo is an accurate representation of the day’s news – it isn’t. It’s capsulized and easily digested for the attention-deficit generation, just like the tweet itself is designed to make you get your point across briefly. To put it another way, the porn you might see on Twitter is like a hit of poppers – it gives you a very brief surge, but soon you’re left wanting more.
A great deal of pornographic media posted to Twitter was not made for that outlet. They were often part of a larger photo set or a full-length movie or scene. You’re missing out on a lot of sexy context.
I’ve found that after years of consuming titillating tidbits on Twitter, I’m fast forwarding through whole DVDs just to find the 1-2 minutes that’ll really make me shoot my wad. Compare that to just a year or so ago where I’d take a half hour, minimum, for a really good masturbation session and go through a scene or two in their entirety.
Is that just a reflection of our busy working world? Or is it a sign that social media is whittling every aspect of our lives, even our sexlives, into the subatomic level?
1 comment
  1. This is very true indeed. I find myself scrolling threw Twitterland and have to just choose the first good one I see and hope that it does the job. I wish they hadn’t shut down Adult Content on Tumblr. I think your onto something and maybe you guys might be the ones to pounce on this subject and ride with it. Make a new and revised tumblr-esk site for the things that you just laid out and introduce it to the world. I bet you that it will make millions!

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