Faggot Forefathers Week Thirteen

    Frank O’Hara

    (March 27, 1926 – 1966)

    Sign: Aries

Gay American poet and leader of the “New York School” of artists in the 1950s/60s.  While inspired by abstract expressionism, his poetry is also playful, confessional and includes interruptions and intentional errors.

Poem [“Lana Turner Has Collapsed”]

Lana Turner has collapsed!
I was trotting along and suddenly
it started raining and snowing
and you said it was hailing
but hailing hits you on the head
hard so it was really snowing and
raining and I was in such a hurry
to meet you but the traffic
was acting exactly like the sky
and suddenly I see a headline
lana turner has collapsed!
there is no snow in Hollywood
there is no rain in California
I have been to lots of parties
and acted perfectly disgraceful
but I never actually collapsed
oh Lana Turner we love you get up

“Faggot Forefathers” is a weekly series highlighting the lives of historically significant gay men and their contributions to our world. 

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