Courtesy of Bruce LaBruce for Vice.

As for the location of the elusive spot, if you place the two fingers under your balls and feel around a little, you will notice something just above the anus an area that yields to slight pressure, kind of like the soft spot on the top of a baby’s head. This is the male G-spot. That none of my subjects seem to be able to pinpoint the exact nexus of this point adds a certain mystique to the whole enterprise, but trust me, it’s there. And because the point lies along a line including both the pubococcygeus muscle (which connects the anus to the scrotum) and the inner end of the corpus spongiosum (a long internal chamber running through the entire length of the penile shaft which swells to create the erection), the manipulation of the perineum is pleasurable in itself.
But all of this may be surplus to your information requirements. The perineum is kind of like Ontario — yours to discover. The question now is, why injaculate? The fact that it’s less messy hardly provides sufficient motivation. But consider this: one ejaculation, which represents a single tablespoon of semen, contains the same amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids as four full-course meals. Or, eight ounces of steak, ten eggs, six oranges and two lemons. A man requires one to three weeks to replenish the nutrition required to manufacture one healthy ejaculation containing 500 million spermatozoa. Furthermore, when you spill your spawn, there are insufficient leftover nutrients supplied to your vital organs and biological systems. This is why after a wank you can feel de-energized, lethargic or even depressed. They don’t call it a petit mort (little death) for nothing.
Ultimately, though, it may all come down to a spiritual thang. After all injaculation is championed most vociferously by Taoists and proponents of Tantrism, which is, among other things, a means to spiritual enlightenment through sexual liberation by tapping into your kundalini (the fire-snake at the base of your spine; sexual energy). Using the aforementioned finger technique, you should also breathe deeply and visualize a wave of energy traveling up your spine to the top of your head as you come. The movement of injaculation is upward toward immortal life, eternity and the Divine; not downward through the seven glands, depleting them, toward death, as with ejaculation.
Or, you can think of it as dropping a load in your own body. Go ahead, fuck yourself!
Speaking of which, where does your spunk go when you injaculate? If you are using improper technique you may achieve retrograde ejaculation, whereby your sperm is released into your bladder. This is bad because you will then just piss away all those precious nutrients. If you injaculate properly, your sperm will be magically re-absorbed into your bloodstream. There is a test for this, which I just tried when I jerked off a little while ago. After injaculating, pee in a glass container. If it appears cloudy and opaque, you’ve fucked up; if it’s clear, like your conscience, then you’re on your way to nirvana.
Most of the Western doctors I’ve encountered caution against injaculation. They say it may weaken your “pee valve,” so that your cum and your urine get mixed up, or that it may harm your perineum or your prostate by backing up systems that are meant to flow forward. Eastern medicine, however, maintain that reversing flows of natural systems is very healthy — that’s why they’re always standing on their heads. It seems that there’s no clear evidence either way related directly to health problems, so it’s your call. But one good rule of thumb I encountered is, “If it hurts, don’t do it.” Masochists excepted.
If you do decide to check it out, remember practice makes perfect. Eventually you should be able to injaculate without using your fingers at all, by sheer concentration, and even make it so during intercourse. That’s where the fun begins because after injaculating you may not feel like kicking your partner out of bed right after you’ve fucked him or her. You might be ready right away for unsloppy seconds.
Oh, and if you do fuck it up and still cum in your hand, I suggest you try rubbing it all over your face. As Helen Gurley Brown pointed out in Cosmo in the 70s, it makes a great facial.
I have argued with others about them making orgasm and ejaculation hand in hand. I have had some intense orgasms by not ejaculating at all and no one believes me. Thanks for bring this subject to light. And for you guys that insist that you can’t do this, you are missing out. 🙂
I know this about me. I do it and I will get fuck but ….. contract frist then I will take as many loads as I can for all my fans