Rolling With DICE: Todrick Hall #StraightOuttaOz

Just recently I had the opportunity to check out Todrick Hall’s “Straight Outta Oz Tour” in Portland with this weeks BruthaLoad model Timarrie. We also had a chance to meet Todrick after the show. The show was packed and was very thrilling to watch. Originally a YouTube video, the tour started just weeks after the video released. It was conceived, written, produced, and directed all by Todrick Hall.

Of course, when meeting Todrick I was very happy to be sporting some TIMGEAR. What better  to wear when your surrounded by tons of hot men and BBC.




What I found to be most interesting was that he called his fans Toddlers…..that sounds perfect to me, as we have the Tight Holes Are for Toddlers Tee!  Maybe he’ll get lucky and one will show up at his door step soon. 🙂




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