Rolling With Dice: Spartan Race

Last Saturday I headed to Washougal, WA to do the Portland Sprint Spartan Race. For years I’ve been wanting to do an obstacle course race, so I decided it was time. Not only time but also thought to go to an event with many people and many hot men that I should definitely run in TIM Gear.

It was 4 miles long and filled with 24 obstacles. Jumping walls, climbing ropes, carrying sandbags, swimming through mud, crawling long distances under barb-wire, and much more. This shit was intense but definitely a great time and great sweat.

It somewhat reflected on life, there are hard parts we all go through, but at the end of the day, we must push and get through the tough times. It was almost as if the course itself, was a mini version of life, not sure whether you’ll make it but you know you have to.

TIM Gear was amazing for wearing and running the course in it was very light weight (even when we and covered in mud), stayed tight to the skin, and even showing off the bulge (which is great when there are so many men around).

I am glad I did and am looking forward to doing next months 14 mile Spartan Beast Race in Seattle and to again wear TIM Gear to it.


Wanting to show off your bulge and ass while working out or running pick up your TIM Gear Fitted Sports Shorts here 




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