Condom nazis tried yesterday to make it illegal to suck dick without safety goggles. They failed…again.
After a 5 hour public comments hearing yesterday in Oakland, the Cal/OSHA standards board maintained the position that condom use need not be mandatory. Treasure Island Media, as well as dozens of porn stars made their case that mandating condom usage in their films could turn away their audience, or turn the barebacking practice underground further endangering performers.
“I ask you not to approve this policy that will endanger me and my colleagues,” said porn actress Maxine Holloway.
The Free Speech Coalition scored a major win against the moral crusade being waged by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation which has lobbied Cal/OSHA for years to implement ignorant and reactionary policies like these. Foundation spokesman Ged Kenslea said Thursday after the vote, “This will only energize us in preparing for that November ballot,” a reference to the statewide ballot initiative the foundation has proposed later this year.
TIM Casting Director Kenny Host, who attended and spoke during the hearing, said, “I call this measure ‘the skynet of porn.’ The good intentions of Cal/OSHA are there and people think this is a safety measure but in fact it will likely bring down porn in California as we know it, and the chance of mandates like this to spread should make lots of people worried.”
If you’d like to read more, the SF Chronicle has an article we’ve linked here.
If you’d like to help protect porn and free speech, remember to vote this initiative down in November. Register now!