Our favorite Bad Seed, Dice, was recently interviewed by the folks over at hotmalestuds.net. Read a few highlights from the interview below, and go check out the rest on their site!
Read the full interview at hotmalestuds.net
What made you decide to get into porn?
“My roommate at the time was Adam Gunner who shot a bit with Max Sohl for TIM told me i should apply and so I did. I was fan of the company for quite some time and always saw TIM videos at the private booths at adult book stores and decided to apply. The first person I actually emailed with was Max.”
Do you remember your first professional shoot? If so what do you remember most about it?
“Yes my first shoot happens to be in the Treasure Island Media film “Buggery” i didn’t meet my scene partner before hand, I went in filled out paper work and got blindfolded. I was soooo scared I remember thinking what if I die…. but I didn’t and it was a lot of fun.”
It has been a while since we last saw you fucking on screen? But we see that you have filmed some up coming content with JD Daniels and Roman Michael . Why did you take a break and when can we see it! Who is going staring it in.
“Yes it’s been like 3 years yea i shot recently with both JD Daniels and Michael Roman which they were both great! Well running the Pacific Northwest branch my focus is casting film and directing which I love. Theres no set date on when they’ll be released.”
Tell Us about your ink! What does it mean to you. What does it say about you. Do you feel that you have been judged by it?
“Well my TIM tattoo’s mean a lot to me i’ve been with TIM since I started and it’s part of my story. If someone judges me on my tattoos that’s on them because don’t alway judge a book by its cover.”

Read the rest of the article at hotmalestuds.net
For more Dice, follow him on twitter @DiceInPDXXX