Self-professed “small town faggot” Chase Parker is Treasure Island Media’s newest Exclusive. Charming and jovial, Chase took some time from his dedicated gym routine and hectic school schedule to talk to us about outdoor fucking, small town living, and starting his porn career.

How are you doing today?
I’m good how are you?
Great! Thanks for taking some time away from the gym to talk.
Yeah, no problem.
Let’s get started! I was told you’re from Montana. What was it like growing up in Montana?
I was born and raised on a cattle ranch in a town of about 800 people. Super small town. I graduated with only 30 other kids in my class.
So you lived in Montana pretty much your whole life?
Yeah, I was in Seattle for four years before here, Portland. So yeah most of my life so far has been in Montana.
Was it pretty conservative there?
Conservative yeah, but I had a really positive experience. I came out when I was 16, which was a super cool experience. I got caught sneaking out to see my boyfriend who lived two hours away and I was caught in this huge lie, so I had to come out.
My parents are really cool and I had a supportive community. No one was surprised. *laughs*

When I told Dice I’d be interviewing you, he told me to ask about your first time. I heard it happened at a football game. Can you set the scene for me?
Yeah, it was a guy on that I met back in the day, probably like 2005. It was an older guy from Billings who drove down to meet me. I probably lied to him about my age, I don’t remember now. *laughs* During halftime he came and got me and then we drove on these gravel backroads out to this field about 8-10 miles away and banged in the back, on his flatbed.

Topping or bottoming?
So you like having sex outdoors? I can only imagine that first experience maybe set that up for you…
Yeah! Outdoors and older guys.
Any cool cruising experiences?
In Seattle there was this park down by the interstate that me and my friend used to go to. There was this trail around a pond with a bunch of married business guys with their suits on and their dicks out. We’d go down and just suck them all off.
No secret cruising codes or anything?
They just had their dicks out! I didn’t know the ins and outs of cruising or anything.
Any other outdoors fuck stories?
Me and my friend used to walk around Seattle and have quick 20 second fucks in alleys during the day and just walk around and film it. It’s hard to find guys to do that with who actually want to record it.

“…these daddies from Seattle that were visiting pissed in my butt. I pushed it out all over the floor, and that was hot.”
Sexually, what’s a go-to move that always gets you off?
I like to have my nipples played with while I’m getting head. I like eating ass, and getting mine eaten. Ass is usually something that I bury my face in real fast!
Are your nips totally wired?
Within the last 5 years I started giving them more attention. I don’t think I really knew what was going on when I was younger. I didn’t realize it was a thing until I was like 25, with older guys playing with my nipples. Older guys are how I learned a lot of things. *laughs*
I saw on your model application that you are a bottom for water sports.
Yeah but it’s only ‘cause I’m super pee shy! I can’t even pee next to my best friend in the bathroom at the bar! Honestly, I don’t have a lot of experience. A couple times that I’ve done it, these daddies from Seattle that were visiting pissed in my butt. I pushed it out all over the floor, and that was hot. I don’t run into opportunities like that very often.

“I actually just saw the first trailer for one of my scenes and I couldn’t stop laughing. I thought it was hot but I was just laughing at myself a lot.”
How long have you wanted to do porn?
I’ve been approached randomly at bars, and a few guys have emailed me over the years. I just wasn’t in a place to commit to porn because I didn’t want to do a shitty job.
When I moved to Portland, Dice messaged me on Scruff and I thought, just fucking do it!

I actually just saw the first trailer for one of my scenes and I couldn’t stop laughing. I thought it was hot but I was just laughing at myself a lot. The first time you watch it, you don’t see anything but yourself. It got more comfortable and hotter the more I watched it.
Was that your scene with Topher Dimaggio?
Yeah, it was great! Great chemistry, we went out afterwards and hit the town.

Anything else kinky we don’t know about you?
I’m pretty verbal, I often get told to quiet down or shut up. But I like when guys are really verbal with me so I tend to push it on guys.
Thanks for taking some time out of your day to talk with us!
Thanks for giving me a call.
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Need to sign some younger guys rather than some of these washed-up ones.